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Not here to bother anyone or ruin anyones private lifes just here for a little fun and maybe we could all push each other's sexual boundaries.My husband and I both enjoy chatting and texting with people getting to know them to make sure there is a connection between two person. Horny older wives that just want too fuck in the swiming pool. Im an analytical type personality due to being an engineer. Offering a safe and satisfying experience focused on your pleasure.
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Height: 5' 1"

Name: TampaBiGuy4MMF

Status: Divorced

Age: 48

Hair: Brown

City: Brenham, Texas

Looking for company while traveling for work. Feel free to write with any direct questions,,,Seeks Couples of a variety of genders...who are MOTIVATED to play with girls like me,,, Takes pride in there appearance,,,Comfortable with themselves..also single men and women...Hoping to find the right chemistry.....Will entertain or travel to meet in Nothern AZ..
Single and searching for the love of my life, then my cat. Loves to make others laugh nothing is off limits in life or sex except MIDGETS no sex from me.
: not thrilled seeing biking pics, work out pics, the infamous fishing pics, the tough guy star or stud, etc., and of course the ultimate act of sex in quite a few positions. Looking for friendship, ongoing or lifestyle partners.
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Height: 5' 4"

Name: rm_Antgray2

Status: Single

Age: 29

Hair: Black

City: Brenham, Texas

( that should narrow the field down) Religion your choice. Whitch holds to be true most of the with that being said i love to only serious when i need to be any other time i have fun. My boundaries are filth and pain from physical abuse. A friend who likes to have good times with !!!!! I am an open person and I am looking for a man Brenham to satisfy my curiosity for anal sex. My ideal person would be married (required), not cheating (required), cute, playful, cuddly, and as a cherry on top, enjoy anal (not required).
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Height: 5' 1"

Name: Whynot_93

Status: Single

Age: 58

Hair: Grey

City: Brenham, Texas

Let's chat and see where our mutual interests and desires may lead us. Non drinker and smoker in excellent shape. Undramatic, Uncomplicated, and as easygoing as I am. Local women seekiing oral anal.
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Height: 5' 7"

Name: CrashK78

Status: Single

Age: 35

Hair: Red

City: Brenham, Texas

Looking for someone who enjoys life. Im kinda big into cheating to be honest and older guys gotta love them. Seek to meet in the real world. Career minded woman so I work a lot and like what I do. Someone who can be discreet and is generally pretty chill.
Not into endless virtual stuff.
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Height: 5' 0"

Name: Lacyspitzhoff

Status: Married

Age: 41

Hair: Auburn

City: Brenham, Texas

Someone that wants to live and be loved. On here to meet people that want to explore sex to its extremes. I have a certain type of guy that I am into, and that usually goes for the women i see also. In a dominant partner i look for a partner who needs to be nurtured and healed at times yet. Looks, size, colour etc are not particularly important.
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Height: 5' 5"

Name: J1017RH01

Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 52

Hair: Auburn

City: Brenham, Texas

I'd like to meet single women or couples in order to exchange sexual experiences. Hiya peeps looking to trade favours to the fridge an back like good food, drink, looking for someone to keep up.
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